Sunday 3 December 2017

My thoughts on the book; Andrea Hayes - My Life Goals Journal

Life Goals

As many of you are aware, I suffer from fibromyalgia. I refuse to give in to the pain and I try to live my life as normally as I can.

I recently heard about a book called My Life Goals Journal by Andrea Hayes. My daughter gave me a book token for my birthday and when I was browsing in the shop, the book caught my eye. I picked it up and opened it to have a quick look through.


It fell open at a page about getting rid of emotional and physical clutter. Since the fibromyalgia began to affect my life, housework and maintenance have become very difficult for me. One of my biggest problems is the clutter that has built up in my home.

I thought this must be an omen.

Could this book really help me to get my life back in order?


I flicked through the book and it felt good in my hands. I decided to treat myself. I couldn't wait to get started and as soon as I got home, I opened it and began to read the introduction. As I read, my mind cleared and I realised that this woman understood me and my pain.

I immediately felt that here was someone who knew what she was talking about. Someone who knew because she had been through it herself.


The introduction touched me deeply. This woman opens her heart and shares it so that other people may start to heal their own pain. There are many areas I need to work on but even in the introduction, Andrea gives us the tools to begin the work.


The journal is divided into twelve chapters. Each chapter covers a month, allowing us to learn the tools for making the necessary changes and giving us the time to absorb them. Before we dive into the monthly chapters, Andrea walks us through our life goals. She helps us to learn about ourselves, our wants, needs and desires. We are encouraged to dig deeply and find our true selves.

This may sound difficult but Andrea helps with the process and breaks it down into easy sections. By the time I had finished the introduction, I had a much better grasp on who I am and what I really want from life.

All along the way, we are told that the journal can be kept private and therefore we can write whatever we choose. No one can judge us and we are free to change our goals as we progress.


Along with the journal, Andrea gives us free access to her website. Each chapter of the journal deals with a different area and on the website there are monthly hypnosis sessions to compliment the journal.

I settled back to listen to the first month's audio. I had tried hypnosis before. I had successfully lost weight while having hypnosis. (I put it all on again afterwards but that's another story!)

I found it very relaxing. Andrea's voice is soothing and I loved the positive thoughts she projected into my subconscious mind.

I remember the positive thoughts from the first session but to my surprise, I have not heard them since the first time.

I thought that the hypnosis would simply help me to relax a little but imagine my surprise, when I found myself waking up hearing Andrea saying  you're wide awake now.

Okay, so maybe I was tired and fell asleep (I like to use the hypnosis when I am in bed). I tried it again the following morning. I was wide awake at the start and relaxed, listening to the soothing tones. I woke up again to hear her saying you're wide awake now.

It had happened again!

I felt great.


That evening after work, I came home and cleaned out some cupboards that I had been meaning to do for years. I felt really happy as I filled the recycling bags. I found things I thought I had lost and got rid of things I no longer needed.

If this is how great I felt after three sessions, I can't wait for more!

These were my first experiences but I will certainly continue with both the journal and the hypnosis and will update you regularly with my progress.


If you are using the journal or have tried similar positive healing techniques, I would love to hear about them.

Feel free to share your thoughts below.