Friday 21 October 2016

How to Relax

Every time we visit our health practitioner the same question comes up; how are you sleeping?

Sleep: One of the many problems of fibromyalgia is the lack of this precious commodity.

Why precious?
I believe that a good night's sleep holds the key to many of us getting, at least a part of, our lives back.

Good quality, deep, restorative sleep is the Holy Grail. During sleep our bodies heal, tired muscles relax and our minds go over the day's events and puts them in perspective.

Poor sleep or broken sleep only puts more stress on our, already overstressed, bodies and leaves us feeling tired, stiff and sore, and in an anxious state.

There are things that we can do to improve the quality of our sleep and help us get some of the relaxation we crave.

Walking helps to release endorphins and is not too hard on our bodies. Too much, however, may just leave us with even more aches and pains as well as the, ever present, tiredness. The secret here is moderation. Short, regular walks work far better for us than longer ones. Try to keep to places where you do not have to go uphill (or downhill) as this requires more energy and puts more strain on our aching legs.

Massage Regular massages from qualified practitioners who understand fibromyalgia can be beneficial. Not all of us can tolerate full body massages but even a simple hand massage can be very relaxing. I love getting a head massage from my hairdresser but I hate having my head rubbed when having my hair shampooed! Try different things and find what works for you.

Reflexology claims to work on various areas of the body. Most babies seem to love having their feet rubbed and they usually sleep well after this so perhaps we are really all connected through our feet. I, personally, hate having my feet rubbed but far too many people find relief from reflexology and it is certainly worth trying.

Aromatherapy There are many essential oils that aid relaxation. Always buy the best quality you can afford and don't be afraid to try your own blends. These can be used for massage, in burners, as air spritzes - you can even lightly scent your pillow. The secret here, once again, is to try! Keep going until you find the oils that suit you best and the delivery methods you prefer.

Music There are many relaxing pieces of music available - sounds of nature, haunting pan pipes  - you know the sort! Personally, they drive me to distraction! I prefer to listen to my favourite music for relaxing even though it is far from the type of music usually recommended! Again, listen to what pleases you, not what someone else assumes will please you.

Gentle hugs

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